New Thoughts, 2008, cast bronze, 6 ft power cable, standard electrical outlet, 3 3/4 in x 3 in x 5 1/2 in



Can't Have, 2009, cast bronze, 12 1/2 in x 10 1/4 in x 1 3/8 in


Can't Have (Hurricane Sandy Patina), 2012, cast bronze, 12 1/2 in x 10 1/4 in x 1 3/8 in



The small sculptures I refer to somewhat jokingly as Functional Objects are pretty much exactly what they seem. Their titles refer to the ways that turning them into sculptures created a conflict with their expected use.

New Thoughts is a cast-bronze electric pencil sharpener with a cord and plug coming out the back. It should always be displayed plugged into a socket and the cord can be extended as needed.

Can’t Have is a life size bronze casting of one of my framed drawings. I titled it to make clear that even if it were sitting on your bookshelf you still wouldn’t know the drawing which the frame protects. It’s a good drawing and its mine.

The alternate casting of Can’t Have, identified as having the much sought after Hurricane Sandy patina, unexpectedly spent a week submerged in the water (and toxic chemicals and “combined sewer overflow”) that topped the banks of the Gowanus Canal in 2012 and flooded my studio building. The patina was the the only positive outcome I experienced from that event and it continues to develop and deepen as the years go by.

There is a third Functional Object still to be made for this project, an analog metronome. I’m not quite ready to sacrifice my own metronome yet but time will tell.